
Research Article

Angioarchitectonics of acute pneumonia

Klepikov Igor*

Published: 07 February, 2019 | Volume 4 - Issue 1 | Pages: 018-022

The article presents the results of x-ray anatomical studies of 56 whole lung preparations, which were carried out immediately after the autopsy of children who died from АP. In 47 cases it was carried out the contrast of the vessels and in 9 cases the bronchial tree. The results allowed to clarify some details of the pathogenesis of АP and were additional arguments in support of the new doctrine of the disease.

Read Full Article HTML DOI: 10.29328/journal.jcicm.1001020 Cite this Article Read Full Article PDF


Acute pneumonia; Inflammation; Pulmonary circulation; Angioarchitectonics; Schwiegk’s reflex; Pathogenesis


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