Research Article
Published: 31 October, 2018 | Volume 3 - Issue 1 | Pages: 029-034
Introduction: Hypertensive crisis (HC) is recognized consequence of inadequate blood pressure (BP) control. A hypertensive crisis is further divided into hypertensive emergency (HT-E) and hypertensive urgency (HT-U).
Method: Using a cross-sectional hospital-based study design, patients who had been diagnosed as having HC between January and October 2017 were consecutively recruited in the study. The criteria proposed by the Seventh Joint National Committee were used for the definition of HC.
Result: A total of 81 (.81%) patients newly diagnosed as having HC were enrolled in the study. Of these patients, 50 (61.7 %) patients met criteria for HT-E, while 31 (38.3%) patients had HT-U. Renal impairment (16%), stroke (30.8%), acute coronary syndrome (13.6%) and heart failure (22.2%) were predominant complications associated with HT-E. Out of 81 study subjects, 13 (16%) patients died. Although there was no significant difference in residence, history of smoking, Diabetes mellitus and history of alcohol consumption between groups, old age (P=.o22), male gender(.046), history of hypertension(.007), history of non-governmental employee(.003), poor compliance (p=.002) and high case fatality rate (p=.041) were significantly associated with hypertensive emergency (HT-E).
Conclusion: This study showed that HT-E has high case fatality rate among patients admitted with hypertensive crisis at kassala teaching Hospital. Therefore early detection of hypertension and appropriate management are the main stay for reducing morbidity and mortality among patients with hypertensive crisis.
Read Full Article HTML DOI: 10.29328/journal.jcicm.1001017 Cite this Article Read Full Article PDF
Hypertension; Crisis; Emergency; Urgency; Sudan
Figure 1
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